If you’re unfamiliar with all the benefits that SEO can bring, then you’ll never know what you’re missing. SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is one of the most adaptable and approachable forms of digital marketing. Any business that hopes to generate revenue online, will find itself undone without SEO.
If you already have a business website, then you’re halfway there. It doesn’t matter how big your company or site is, there is no limit to the amount of growth you can amass. Whether you’re after leads or money, the payoff in the end, makes it worth it.
To put it simply, SEO deals with your site’s individual rankings in search engines. If potential customers are looking for specific services that you offer, then you want your site to feature at the top of their search engine results.
Currently, most websites receive over 60%+ of their traffic from search engines. This is when you compare all sources, such as social media, email, etc.
The benefits of SEO go beyond just traffic, also. The more traffic you’re able to muster, the more likely you are to attract inbound links from the biggest and most reputable websites. This in turn increases your sites ranking and its prestige in the eyes of the consumer.
To learn more about these benefits, continue reading.
1. Excellent Way to Collect Data
The internet is forever changing and evolving. With that in mind, you’ll want to make the most of any data you can muster, so as to remain competitive. The data you’ll be able to compile, will be solely in the market you are targeting.
Even the most basic of web development tools will be able to provide good insight into your sites traffic. All you need is an effective strategy in place, from which you can use to start your measuring. You’ll want to learn the various elements of your site, discovering which aspects work best for you.
2. SEO Improves Business Credibility
Websites that rank highest in the search engine listings are usually considered to be the most trustworthy and authentic. Your sites rankings in the search engines is looked at as a vote of confidence to others, allowing your site to increase its credibility. Most web users trust the search engines, and so, if your site is ranking in the top positions for all your various keywords, people will consider it to be most credible. However, in order to get your site at the top, search engine optimisation must be implemented. SEO will bring additional traffic which should lead to you fulfilling your primary goals.
3. Higher Conversion Rates with SEO
If your website ranks well in the major search engines, this will dramatically improve its ability to convert. If you are able to rank at the top of the search engine, for a considerable length of time, people will come to know about it, and its quality. This in turn will improve its credibility (as previously mentioned), along with your authority within your industry.
Over time, customers will become more familiar with your company and its brand, this will result in them learning more about your products and services. The upside to this, is more business and more conversions.
4. Increased Usability
One aspect of your SEO efforts should include you improving the architecture of your website. When you do this, it will result in improved rankings for the site. A side effect of this should also be improved usability for your site visitors.
The major search engines are looking for websites that are able to provide the best possible experience to its visitors. They want, only the most relevant websites to feature at the top of their search engine results pages (SERP). In considering these factors, this should result in a more usable site.
5. Build a Long-Term Strategy When Using SEO
SEO is one of the most effective strategies you can deploy, for both large and small businesses, as it’s always improving, enhancing itself, to stay in line with the latest technologies and trends. As the market improves, evolves and changes, it’s important that you are aware of the latest practices and trends in SEO.
Based on research we can say that, a website that has been setup utilising all the latest SEO practices, should take around 6 months to reach top rankings. Despite the long wait, one positive to take from this is that, despite it taking so long to rank high in the search engines, it naturally takes equally as long to fall off, in the event that you did. Thus, if you take the time and effort to properly implement SEO into your site, it can turn into a healthy long-term strategy for your company.
6. Increase Your Market Share with SEO
When your site ranks high in the search engines, this increases the chances of your site being found by potential customers. Once they are able to obtain the information they are looking for on your site, this may result in them becoming a lead, which over time may turn into a customer.
A lead may go on to purchase a product or service, subscribe to a newsletter or sign up to a membership. Either way, you should see an increase in your conversion rate. Once one of these things happen, your share of the market will grow, which will lead to growth in your business.
7. Increase Your Sites Traffic
When SEO is done correctly, it should result in more traffic for your website.
If you use the appropriate keywords when setting up your SEO campaigns, you should see a significant improvement in conversions. The benefits that you’re able to obtain from SEO, grow stronger as you make additional changes and improvements to your site over time.
8. Low-Cost Marketing Tools
Your website is your number one investment. Now that you have everything online, your SEO efforts will involve a lot of intellect and trial and error.
Because SEO is very cost-effective, the ROI (return on investment) is massive. This makes it an excellent market effort for future foundations. As efforts made in the past, ensure your site receives traffic for a long time into the future.
Uchenna Ani-Okoye is a former IT Manager who now runs his own computer support website https://www.compuchenna.co.uk.